Imago Relationship Theory: Making Marriage Simple

26 Aug

Marriage is anything BUT simple; being and staying in a committed relationship is
complicated and challenging at the best of times.  “Imago Relationship Theory: Making Marriage Simple” will be the topic of my talk at this year’s South African College of Applied Psychology (SACAP) festival taking place on 3 September. Romantic marriage does not come with a manual. When we move from the romantic phase to the power struggle which is characterised by the three C’s (Conflict, Crises and Catastrophe), couples don’t have anything or anyone to turn to for help. The Imago Theory on Relationships transforms the C’s into Commit, Connect and Continue, by giving couples a toolbox (the theory) as well as the tools (the communication dialogue) to navigate to real love.

In this 45 minute slot I will give a brief overview of the different stages of all relationships, look at the higher purpose of committed relationships, explain why conflict is suppose to happen and complete your Imago profile.

The SACAP festival is inspired by the idea of bringing together professionals, students and the broader community in an environment to explore the many facets of psychology and its application.  SACAP’s aim is to enable every participant to take one step further on their journey of understanding the nature and practice of psychology at an individual and community level.  Presentations are thought-provoking, robust, intelligent and engaging in order to share the experience of the presenter with a diverse audience of participants.

Click here to register and join me for my talk on Imago Relationship Theory: Making Marriage Simple.

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