I am a Cape Town based qualified Imago Relationship Coach and Marriage Counsellor.
Imago Relationship Therapy is an integrated therapeutic process for working with with individuals, couples, families, groups and business colleagues in order to enhance relational dynamics in the relationships they share.
I am an Imago Relationship Facilitator,a workshop presenter, a teacher, a wife and companion, a mother, a double granny and friend. I do not call myself a therapist, because the Relationship IS the Therapy. I assist couples and individuals to make sense of the dynamic of the relationship they find themselves in. I enable them to understand the root of conflict and how to turn conflict around as a navigational emotional instrument so that they learn to embrace conflict rather than be scared by it.
For more information, please contact me:
Grete Becker
Relationship Coach and Marriage Counsellor
Work: 021 976 9966
Cell: 083 259 8082
Address: Greenville Estate, Durbanville
Other useful websites: www.imagoafrica.co.za l www.gettingtheloveyouwant.com
Teaching Imago Relationship Principles and Emotional Freedom Technique
Next available workshops:
Couples Workshop
Couples Intensive: Available upon request
Contact Form
Please contact me by completing the following form and I will be in touch shortly.