My name is Grete Becker and I am a qualified Imago Relationship Facilitator and Marriage Counsellor. I work with people, specifically couples, families and singles, to teach them how to connect and communicate effectively with one another. I am a wife and companion, a mother, a double granny, a friend, a teacher and a workshop presenter .I assist couples and individuals to make sense of the dynamic of the relationship they find themselves in. I enable them to understand the root of conflict and how to turn conflict around as a navigational emotional instrument so that they learn to embrace conflict rather than be scared by it. I teach a new way of communicating which brings safety and connection into the relational space.
I host Imago Parenting workshops where parents do not learn HOW TO parent, but how to BE a parent. There is a very big difference between the two.
Teaching is in my family’s DNA: I am the 3rd generation of educators. I started my professional career as a high school language teacher – and loved every minute of it. Once my children were born, I was a stay-at-home-mom. I feel privileged that I was able to be part of their journey from babies, to toddlers, to teenagers and university students to young adults. When they went to High School, I became involved in my husband’s business and became the office administrator and bookkeeper. It was during this period, 2004 to be exact, that Len and I attended the Getting The Love You Want workshop being presented by Rick Brown from America. At the end of the workshop, I knew that I have found my calling in life: I wanted to teach Imago Relationship Theory.
That same year I started my training with Hedy Schleifer to become an Imago Relationship Educator & Coach – setting me on a new and very rewarding career path. I have been assisting couples for the past 17 years to a become each others champion, how to create safety in the relational space, how to Honour the space and how to stay connected. I teach couples about a safe space, a bridge and an encounter: these 3 metaphors truly transfor relationships. To stay married is a choice – I help couples who make that choice by teaching communication tools and skills that reconnect people.
Since becoming a granny, I also focus on parenting skills coaching. I wish I had the knowledge, insight (and patience) I have now, when I was raising my own children.
As an Imago relationship coach, I have to come to realise the crucial impact of the first three to seven formative years of our lives on future relationships.