Here are testimonials from people who attended the Commit & Connect 2 day journey:
Names have been changed:
I wanted to thank you for your insight, genuine care, valuable tools you have gifted us with and for your hospitality this past weekend. You made us feel so safe and for that I am thankful.
Frank* and I took a super quick leap of faith by attending your workshop on such short notice and I am so unbelievably grateful that we did. I have seen a shift in my partner and I have noticed a shift in myself in how I handle him and how I operate in this relationship. Where we have been battling for a very long time, I now feel more equipped, enlightened and lighter. And the fact that this shift was able to happen over two days is phenomenal.
I don’t think mere words will be able to describe what you have done for me, Frank* and for our relationship. You are an absolute gem and I will always be grateful that you came into our lives at a time where we needed it the most.
If anything, attending this workshop has also made me more aware of what is important in this world and for me it Frank* – job, car, money, clothes, all of that is peripheral stuff that distracts us from an authentic life. I have always known it but I got side tracked and made certain things a priority over Frank*.
Thank you thank you thank you
“The Imago Couples Workshop was a life changing experience – I realised how little I know about my relationship.”
- “More Grete, ek wil net weer vir jou baie dankie se vir die naweek. Ek voel ‘n ander mens en ek het dinge van myself geleer en van bewus geword wat ek nooit sou, as dit nie vir jou was nie. Daar is ‘n rustigheid oor my wat ek net nie kan beskryf nie. Ek en Jane* het ‘n baie goeie gesprek gisteraand gehad en selfs ‘n mirror gedoen. Alhoewel ek dink *Jane nog nie heeltemal oop gemaak het nie, is ek tog optimisties dat jy vordering gemaak het en se vir jou baie dankie daarvoor. Ek sal jou laat weet wanneer ons weer kan kom vir ‘n sessie.”
- “Die kursus bied wonderlike hulpmiddels en maniere hoe ‘n couple emosioneel nader aan mekaar kan beweeg. Grete Becker is baie aangename persoon met ‘n warm, omgee persoonlikheid om sulke delikate materiaal oor te dra met liefde en sonder om mense to bedreig.”
- “Great knowledge and skills, could answer questions in the group with great ease. Integrated theory and reality to make it easy to understand.”
- “I found the Imago Couples Workshop hugely inspiring and interesting. I look forward to applying the Imago relationship principles.”
- “Grete was very knowledgeable and brought theories alive by means of personal stories and lessons. Extreme empathy and guidance.”
- “The Couples Workshop is interactive and warm – Grete provides a trusting platform for people to open up and think about their relationships.”
- “Grete is caring and well educated in her subject of Imago Relationship Therapy. A great facilitator and warm host.”
- “Grete is warm, caring, supportive and empathetic. She is a very good listener and mirroring who ever was speaking.”
- “Grete is an excellent listener – you expose yourself and the examples you give are relevant – she has a great presence in the room and appreciates input from the people when they share their story. I really needed this workshop.”
- “This workshop should be attended by everyone! A deeper insight into yourself,as well as your partner – with a better understanding of how to approach one another.”
- ” Ek wil net se baie dankie vir laas naweek. Dit was regtig ‘n wonderlike geleentheid. Ek was mal oor die “safety” wat jy geskep het. Dit was ook n goeie balans tussen teorie en praktiese “skills”.Mens weet so baie van hierdie goed- maar hoe om dit oor te dra in praktyk is baie moeilik. Jy het ons regtig “empower” met die hoe rondom verhoudings. Dit is iets wat mens nie kan in n boek kry of sommer n DVD kyk nie. Regig baie dankie! “