Hello world!

2 Jun

I spent the afternoon with a friend whose husband passed away last Thursday. They have been married for 51 years. She is still reeling from the schock, but all the friends and family that stream in and out of the house, keep her going. She is running on adrenaline.

Between the cups of tea and coffee, she tells me : ” He always opened the door for me. He never entered a room in front of me. We still hugged and kissed when we woke up in the morning. We always expressed our love and gratitude to each other. ”

No regrets – just beautiful memories.

If you lose your loved one tomorrow, what will your memories be like ? Regrets or happy memories that will carry you through the tough times ?

John Gottman, Ph.D. World renowned expert on marital stability and divorce prediction, says :

“Our research shows that small, positive behaviors, frequently repeated, can make a big difference in the long-term success of a marriage.  You could compare this work to piloting a plane cross-country.  A turn of a few degrees over Ohio may seem like a small adjustment – merely fine tuning.  But, in the long run it determines whether you end up in San Francisco or Los Angeles.  So it is with a long-term relationship.  When both partners commit to making small but consistently positive shifts in their interactions, they can take their marriage to a much happier place.  And it’s easier to assimilate small changes rather than big ones.”