It must have been a rough divorce

11 Feb

Yes, indeed.  But what a pity that things get so bad between a couple that they just want out.HOUSE

I listened to Robert Waldinger ‘s Ted Talk called What Makes a Good Life? Lessons from the longest Study on Happiness. (This study was conducted at Harvard University and Robert Waldinger is the 4th director of this study over a period of 75 years.)
The finding? Happy relationships. Relationships where the odd disagreements or the occasional bickering do not take away from the fact that the couple has each others back when needed.

In Imago and Encounter Centered Couples Transformational workshops, we teach couples how to welcome conflict in the relationship and how to use conflict as navigational tools to self-discovery and reclaiming full aliveness, creativity, happiness, curiosity, self-esteem, energy…….the full you.

The Commit & Connect workshop is an experience, a 2 day transformational journey where 2 people create and share their ideal relationship, where they discover their unique triggers and learn about their survival suits, and how these suits disconnect them. Couples learn a new language of understanding and empathy, they learn about Neighbourhoods, a Bridge and an Encounter, about the Sacred Space where the relationship – and their children- live.

The next opportunity for this Journey
5 & 6 March 2016, 9am till 5 pm.
19 Panorama Road, Valmary Park, Durbanville.
Investment of R 3 500.00 per couple
To book : contact me at or register here