Exciting new research

25 Jul

EFT Insights Newsletter 25 July 2012 , has this article :

EFT Reduces Your Stress Hormones: A milestone study has found that EFT significantly reduces levels of your main stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol is important because it regulates a cascade of other biochemicals that affect everything from your digestive system to your musculoskeletal system. High cortisol levels are associated with signs of rapid aging, like skin wrinkles and the loss of bone density. The study examined 83 people who received a single session of either talk therapy or EFT, and a third group that just rested. We tested their levels of cortisol before and afterwards, and found that cortisol declined 24% in the EFT group, compared to 14% in the other two groups. People in the EFT group also had much greater reductions in anxiety, depression and other psychological problems. The study will be published in a prestigious journal in October, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. It’s the oldest peer-reviewed psychiatry journal in North America. It’s pioneering because it uses the “hard science” of molecular biology to measure the “soft science” of emotional healing. Press release on the study .

So, from the serious business of research to the lighter side of life……

In a previous blog, I reminisced about K.I.T.T., the talking car. As if that was not enough for me to digest, I have now discovered a scale that doesn’t just weigh you – it takes all kinds of measurements !!!!! All at the same time as well ! The base plate of this wonderscale, is a silvery metal plate with 3 sensors underneath each foot. So, in order for Wonderscale to do its job, you have to be barefeet – no socks. Then there is a metal bar that you hold with both hands, which is attached to the baseplate with some kind of magical optical fibre. So once you are on the scale, holding the bar, it takes a few seconds, and then spits out your weight. But not just weight : it breaks the total weight into percentages of muscle and fat, plus fat in kgs. Then it quickly calculates your body mass index, and for good measure, throws in another figure : visceral fat.

I hear you say : ” And what is visceral fat ?” Visceral fat, my friend, is fat that sits inside the stomach. It is directly linked to and caused by our friend, Cortisol, the stress hormone. And according my nutritionist, no diet can lower VF ; only a reduction in stress will decrease the visceral fat. My next question to her was: ” Why would stress and cortisol pack fat around my organs ?” Elementary dear Higgins : for protection. Stress activates the survival centre of the brain, which then produces the fight or flight hormonal cocktail in the body . One of the methods of protection, is to pack a suit of armour around the core organs in the stomach, as if you are expecting a blow to the stomach. The primitive brain being involved in the primal fight. Now, does that not make perfect sense ? The body is an amazingly clever system.

But, as Mandy went on to explain, too much visceral fat is also detrimental to one’s health.

So, if you think you have excess protection around your internal organs, start tapping to reduce those cortisol levels.